We’ve been working hard over the past few weeks to bring you some of the coolest, most fashionable women’s slogan T-shirts out there today. It’s the end of September, and we’ve released drop 1 and the upcoming drop 2 is on the way too. Our inspirations have been drawn from fashion and celebrities, popular culture and some cool quotes and thoughts. Printed on ladies fitted shirts, they’re perfect for this autumn, and really on trend and stylish too. Let’s see what was included in drop 1:
Stop Trying To Make Bae Happen T Shirt – The word of the moment is Bae, and in Danish Bœ actually means poop! Although most are now referencing it in popular culture to mean babe, cutie, sweetie and, well, you get the idea. Buy it for your bae and she’ll be one happy girl.
Continuing on with the theme we’ve also designed our very own Bae or Nah T Shirt. The slogan is once again written in the Danish sense, using œ as the lettering which really sets this design apart from the rest. You still get all the effect of the slogan, but in a much cooler Scandi way.
Fans of music, American pop culture and just cool things stateside will be a fan of this next tee. The West Coast T-shirt is a simple design which sports the printed text in a curved way. It’s absolutely minimal, only two words printed on the shirt, but if you’re a fan of the West Coast lifestyle and places like Cali and the rest, then this could be a great choice for you. If you’re more of a New York style kind of girl then we’ve also got an East Coast version for you too 😉
Internet shorthand gone mad, or just a cool geeky statement? Some girls start or finish their sentence with one word…Seriously? We’ve gone one better, well in fact four better, by removing all the vowels in our SRSLY T Shirt. You can consider yourself seriously cool in this shirt.
Speaking of the internet are selfies still here? You bet they are! After officially making it into the Oxford English dictionary (and not this one we’re using since we keep getting that red squiggle under the word) the Selfie trend is still booming. What do you wear for such an event I hear you ask? Well you need to get yourself a selfie shirt. We have lots to choose from, but our latest is the very simply put This Is My Selfie Shirt designed top. We’ve got the slogan mirrored very cleverly or ironically depending on how you look at it, so taking a shot in the mirror will work perfectly.
To wrap up DROP 1 of the women’s slogan T shirts we’ve gone for the In Coffee We Trust T-shirt. We all need a little bit of caffeine in our lives, it keeps us awake, up and alert, and if we didn’t have it where would we be? Probably still sleeping! 😉
All these cool text based designs are available right now at Lush T Shirts, with a whole load more printed coolness for you to feast your eyes on and check out.